shekhinah ( shuh-KI-nuh )

#32 .... #10.... Scintilliation / Transmission...


David Lynch Foundation Lecture Fucks Up

For the past few years, David Lynch has been promoting his self-designed Transcendental Meditation program, The David Lynch Foundation, and has been visiting universities and schools throughout the US and the rest of the world.

A video has surfaced, as well as an article in Time, detailing a lecture in Germany where the audience broke out into emotional protest over what Lynch's German "partner" was saying.

Before watching the video, know that TM and the David Lynch foundation have nothing in mind but peace, the effacement of negativity, positive creativity, and all other good things. What we see here is a very sad but perfect example of what is lost in translation. It is clear that Lynch had not been aware of what exactly the German speaker believed or planned to say, and that there had been miscommunication from the beginning.

The most disturbing aspect of it all to me is not that the German speaker evoked Third Reich-like language - although it was disturbing and dissapointing in its undermining of Lynch's cause, no matter how intentional - what made me feel overwhelming sadness and helplessness was the expression on David Lynch's face as the students began yelling at the speaker, all in german. He has no idea what they are saying, and has no idea what has just occured. He sits there quietly, a perplexed look on his face, and can do nothing. Only until a female student approaches him to translate the ensued chaos, does he step forward. But even then, he doesn't really fix anything. Lynch did not make a mistake in spirit, but a mistake in logistics and taking the time to truly ensure that he understood the territory he was stepping into and the people he was assosciating with.

Below the video (in 2 parts) one will find the David Lynch Foundation's reply to the youtube postings.

The David Lynch Foundation replied in the comments on YouTube:

David Lynch here. I don't want to have anything to do with Hitler. We all know he was not a good person who did terrible things.

I want to support Invincible Universities to develop the full potential of the student—enlightenment—and to have students meditating together in a group to enliven and radiate the unified field—the field of peace—into the atmosphere, into the collective consciousness of every nation.

Invincibility in this case means dynamic peace—a situation where no harm can come from within the country and nothing destructive can come from the outside to harm the country.

Sometimes misunderstandings are troublesome. So I want to make perfectly clear that the university for enlightenment and peace will make this a peaceful world — a peaceful world family — where anyone can travel anywhere in the world and meet a friend, not an enemy.

Dynamic peace is not just the absence of war—it is the absence of negativity, which is the seeds of war. These universities, established on a permanent basis, will put an end to thousands of years of war and oppression, and prevent a man like Hitler from ever arising again.
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