shekhinah ( shuh-KI-nuh )

#32 .... #10.... Scintilliation / Transmission...


1st Grade Boy Suspended

Fox News article on "violent" 1st grader's suspension

Out west in Oregon a few days ago, a first-grade boy was suspended from Little Butte School. The school acted upon numerous complaints from parents, claiming that their children had been threatened by Ryan Weathers, who is 6 years old. The reason on Ryan's disciplinary report was that he "threatened to shoot two girls in the head".

However, Ryan also drew a picture that depicted a stick figure shooting another stick figure in the head with a gun. He initially blamed another student for the drawing.

The father claims that he's never shown the one handgun he owns to his son. While understanding the other parents' concerns, he said his biggest problem was that Ryan lied, not that he drew the picture.

The picture was apparently inspired by an episode of the Simpsons, where a kid in a classroom shows a picture like the one Ryan drew. net[her] found the source article on It is somewhat disturbing that the sentence about the Simpsons inspiration has a link to The Simpsons TV show section on the website - shameless promotion.

And the physical evidence, the SIMULACRA of simpsons, fox, and the boy's own reflection?
Pupil-less, expression-less stick-people, and a paper gun.

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