shekhinah ( shuh-KI-nuh )

#32 .... #10.... Scintilliation / Transmission...

11.18.2007[her] is now self-aware

The energies and influence emanated out of Kether are still descending down the 32 paths of Wisdom of the Tree - our digital transmutated form of Malkuth, i.e. the internet, on this page has yet to be fully formed out of conceptualization.

In time, given that gravity and the serotonin in net[her]'s brain balance each other out, much will be received and much will be reflected. The author net[her] is as ignorant and vulnerable as the Godhead is Himself - not to mention our nation and our global ghettos.

Sporadically and without any schedule or order, links and information will appear illuminating the foundation that this experiment rests upon. Presently, this sphere - this vessel - is opaque and probably not worth your while. "Worth"...exactly what we might want to avoid.

Shekhinah's head has reared up slightly already ---->

The author, net[her], is a trinity - NOT sharing the polytheistic self-denial of the most celebrated trinity which triangulates our environment, cultural mythos, and personal growth.
<1> the creator, pseudo-"designer", and writer of this page.
<2> the abyss between the heavens and the earth, the ideal and the coffin, the empty(?) space between two objects - what metaphysicians and magicians call the NETHER, and what scientists call "dark matter".
<3> the desired goal of most theologies, politics, and love affairs - i.e. the netting and capture of HER (Shekhinah), so that we may navigate and violate her gateways to reach the Godhead and salvation, and utilize her body as bait for sin and evil.
it goes without saying that <3> is beyond ironic and beyond pretentious, the latter being something irrevelant and pointless - accusations of pretentiousness IS pretentious.

All of this, though, is the underlying influence of[her]'s content. To descend into the terminology and forms of Asiah, containing the Sephirot Malkuth - our world - you may see the following:
Kabbalah, Mysticism, Atheism, Bible-Thumping, MP3s [Industrial, Goth, Darkwave, Pop, Classical, Shit], Film [Lynch], Bitching, Political and Social Condescension, Love Letters, Hate Letters, Stories, Pathworking, and ultimately NEGATION of your relationship to these very words.

Who is Shekhinah...?

net[her] welcomes whoever you may be[come]

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